Photos: Birding around Conway/Mayflowers

Prairie Warbler

On Sunday, I decided to revisit the Hendrix Creek Preserve in Conway to find the visiting rare Limpkin, and ended up stopping in Mayflower on my way home to tour through Bell Slough Wildlife Management Area, Lake Conway and Camp Robinson Special Use Area.

It was a birdy trip with my most exciting sight being the above Prairie Warbler. I’ve heard them before but it was the first time I was able to see and then photograph one. Here are a few others found:

Photos: Migration Craziness


My birding trips have picked up recently. I’ve found a birding buddy to go on weekly birding trips to different parts of the state, and we’ve been taking advantage of the current bird migrations to see as many birds as we can. Here’s a few of what we have seen so far:

I also spotted this adorable turtle.

Photo: Limpkin


I’ve heard about Limpkin sightings within the state; however, I didn’t expect to stumble across one myself while birding on the nature trail at Bell Slough Wildlife Management Area in Mayflower. I was walking along a dirt trail between a wooded area and a field when the limpkin just walked across the road with its head down, looking for food.

Limpkins are found year-round in South America. Limpkins look similar to herons and are typically found in tropical wetlands.