Rainy Day

American Goldfinch

It was overcast and raining all weekend but that didn’t stop the constant flow of birds at my feeders. The newest visitors are American Goldfinches and a Pine Warbler. Here’s hoping to see more.


Meet Thomas. I came across this 10-year-old Shih Tzu through a Facebook post by a local humane society shelter. It was love at first sight, and I went to the shelter two days later to meet him. I knew when they brought him out that he was going home with me.

Thomas is a fantastic companion. He’s sweet, loving, gets along with everyone and listens so well. He would have gotten along well with Izzie.

Snowed in

“You’re in my spot!” American Goldfinch, Pine Warbler

Today’s a state holiday and we’re snowed in. So, it was the perfect day to birdwatch. We had 23 total bird species visit our feeders today – and that doesn’t include some birds we typically see like the American Crow and White-breasted Nuthatch (both were present yesterday but not today 🤷🏼‍♀️). Here’s a few of my favorite visitors today:

Red-bellied Woodpecker, Northern Flicker
Eastern Bluebird
Northern Flicker
European Starling
Northern Cardinal

No, I didn’t spend all day simply watching my feeders. There was also tax work and a walk around the neighborhood. I’ll let you guess which one was my favorite.

Drumroll … New bird visitor at my home

I’ve lived in Stuttgart for three years this August. During this time, my main feathered visitors have been house sparrows, cardinals, doves, American robins and blackbirds. And, of course, the occasional cedar waxwing.

Now, I love having these constant birds. Don’t get me wrong, but I decided late last summer I wanted for more variety. And I finally took action after months of just thinking about it. I actually kept my feeders full, switching to a more fruitier blend to attract another variety of birds (which my usual crowd still likes) and put up my first hummingbird feeder.

The results were slow. I received my first hummingbird late last summer. This spring, I woke up to a rose-breasted grosbeak singing at my feeder. And I recently discovered the below American goldfinch. Today, I finally had what I believe was a House finch.

I see most of the birds first thing in the morning, around 7 to 7:30. And honestly, the finds are a great energy boost for my day. So, hopefully the birds will keep on visiting.




New visitors

Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Rose-breasted Grosbeak

A strange chirping woke me up this morning. It was a Rose-breasted Grosbeak — a first at my house. However, he wasn’t alone. It was joined by another first, three White-crowned Sparrows, and eventually a Ruby-Throated Hummingbird. The sparrows and hummingbird returned throughout the day. Not a bad start to the week.

White-crowned Sparrow
White-crowned Sparrow

Ruby-throated Hummingbird
Ruby-throated Hummingbird

First day of spring

Northern Cardinal

Spring, which officially starts today, is my favorite season. To celebrate, I spent my early Tuesday evening working in my backyard. OK, it was mostly lazy yard work. I cleaned up, made plans for a proposed project and put up new hummingbird feeders.

After I finished, I just happened to glance over in time to see a bird leaving my hummingbird feeder. I. Was. Excited! Could it be a hummingbird, already? Nope. I sat by my window for an hour watching house sparrows, northern cardinals and American robins come up to feed. I’m now positive that it was a sparrow that went to the wrong feeder.

Whatever happened, I enjoyed my time outdoors and watching the birds. It’s not a bad way to pass the time. Here’s some of my visitors:

House Sparrow

American Robin

House Sparrows

House Sparrow

Northern Mockingbird


Cedar Waxwings practically at my door

Cedar Waxwings
Cedar Waxwings

I’ve wondered all  year where my Cedar Waxwings were since I usually have a flock that stays in my backyard for a few weeks. I’ll admit that I was very disappointed especially when other Arkansas birders kept reporting seeing Cedar Waxwings in their own yards.

Well, they have finally arrived. I was about to leave for work when I looked over and found more than 30 Cedar Waxwings in my front yard. Aren’t they gorgeous?

A flash of red


We had a white Christmas this year after all — even if the holiday was near over. I ended up sick so on Wednesday I was able to watch the cardinals flock to my yard.

They apparently had no trouble finding food despite the snow. Still, I’m keeping my feeders full just in case. 🙂